Career and business coaching
Practice Kärntnerstraße 4/15, 1010 Vienna, and/or videocall via the app Signal.
Practice Kärntnerstraße 4/15, 1010 Vienna, and/or videocall via the app Signal.
Your first step towards a solution!
Simply call +43 (0)699 1 924 02 13 or fill out the contact form.
What is important for you to achieve in career coaching? Progress, development? Raise, promotion? Conflict resolution, stress management? Successful application phase, to end constant frustration?
Let’s think bigger when we talk – if you’re willing to aim at the moon and shoot past, you’ll still end up with the stars…
Too romantic as a metaphor? Well: You only get as much of the pie as the value you bring to the company. I am sure you bring a lot to the table and are ready to achieve good and excellent results. Are you communicating this in such a way that it is sufficiently reflected in your salary? Are you in the right company for you? Is your professional life full of challenges that help you grow? Is it full of confidence and good quality relationships with others?
Read on here for frequently described problems, a few lines about my own professional career and feedback from my clients and details about what I can offer you:
In what context are you operating your company? This is your industry, the people with and the places where you work – and the products or services you offer.
Which of your actions, skills, values and beliefs are essential and fundamental to the current and future state or success of your company?
Who are you within your company? Who will you be when it continues to grow and thrive really, really successfully? Are you ready to develop there personally and economically?
What is your company’s mission? What impact does your company have on the world? What is your vision of the world you want to live in? In which your company makes sense for you and others?
Read about the concerns that sole proprietors regularly solve in my coaching practice, their feedback on business coaching and what I offer you:
It pays off. The ICF Global Coaching Client Study (2009, International Coaching Federation together with PricewaterhouseCooopers) concludes accordingly:
On average, coaching as a tool for personnel development can achieve a return on investment (ROI) of a factor of 7. My offer is aimed at managers with a coaching budget from a company or personal source.
Read on to find out what topics managers often come to me for coaching with: