The offer
Practice Kärntnerstraße 4/15, 1010 Vienna, and/or videocall via the app Signal.
In business coaching, we focus on solutions for your individual situation. You benefit from:
Result-oriented approach, diverse methods, and exchange with an experienced coach.
I have been running my own solo business for a long time, from inception and growth, through crises to successes.
Clear communication.
I respectfully tell you what you need to hear, which may not necessarily be what you want to hear. Expect a fresh perspective from me. While friends and family (hopefully) have your best interests at heart, an external perspective is invaluable.
Support even in challenging phases.
I may not be available around the clock, but we can arrange availability for truly important periods.
Finding a good balance:
You (re)establish appropriate time and space for your business, family, friends, personal interests, and most importantly, for yourself.
Overview and foresight:
You stay up-to-date with your finances/projects/appointments and have set the next milestones. Your outlook for the upcoming time is relaxed and filled with confidence.